Statement of the Provincial Superior of the Warsaw Province of the Redemptorists

In mutual understanding with the Very Reverend Joseph Tobin, Superior General of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, I would like to express our common declaration and statement regarding the alleged opinions made by Fr. Tadeusz Rydzyk which were recently published by the weekly magazine „Wprost” and further on these statements became distorted by other mass-media.

The analysis conducted by a special Commission has shown that both time and place of publishing of the alleged opinions made by Fr. Rydzyk give us sufficient basis to express our opinion that the whole issue has been marked by signs of a serious media provocation and manipulation. It is necessary to realize that the weekly magazine „Wprost” on numerous occasions has offended, in a disdainful way, religious affection of Polish people.

We are deeply troubled by the current level of the journalistic ethics in free and democratic Poland where we can observe that the methods and techniques used by certain journalists not always serve to reach the truth but rather are being applied to harm the good reputation of some people. If we take into consideration the painful history of our country we can not accept spying as a method of fighting against anybody. Father Tadeusz Rydzyk does not identify himself with the „tapes” which show some signs of compilation. He also does not associate himself with the anti-Semitism attributed to him by others. As his confreres we know him quite well and we recognize that he separates himself from any kind of the above mentioned allegations. Fr. Tadeusz has never had any intention to offend anybody especially Poland’s Presidential couple.

We are deeply saddened that some mass media tendentiously presented information which at the same time was stained by doubts regarding the authenticity of the „tapes” became not only a source of comments made by many individuals but also often served to judge Father Director. These comments were presented by some media without confronting the other party and with a significant lack of good will in searching for the truth.

It seems that these allegedly recorded „tapes” in the Major School of Social and Media Culture in Torun should be read as an act against the laws governing the institutions of higher education. This action also violated the long stating tradition of not entering into a school of higher education with any spying equipment.

It is outrageous that the mass media in Poland included also in this manipulation the person of the Superior General falsely attributing to him that he was about to take „finial decision of punishment” of Father Tadeusz Rydzyk and by doing so once and for all resolving all the problems associated with his activities. This information transmitted by news agencies, newspapers, radio and television stations has awakened an enormous social anxiety not only among the community of multi million listeners of Radio Maryja in Poland but also around the world.

On behalf of the religious family the Redemptorists, I would like to assure all people of good will that despite our human weaknesses we will take every effort that our evangelization ministry will serve to strengthen social relationships and spiritual needs of all Polish people. We strive to protect the truth in love, human dignity and the freedom of every human being and remain open to all our brothers and sisters regardless of their origin, conviction, social status or religion. Remaining in unity with all the Bishops who expressed their thankfulness and gratitude „for an immense ministry of evangelization performed by Radio Maryja” (May 3rd 2006) we desire to serve all people both in our country and abroad.

Radio station Maryja, Television station TRWAM, the Major School of Social and Media Culture in Torun, and other initiatives are the institutions which are supported by many Polish people. I would like to express my gratitude towards those who freely serve and support these works.

Together with the Provincial Government we would like to express our gratitude and support regarding the growth and development of the variety of ministries undertaken by our confreres. We are convinced that our confreres and their co-workers, gifted with special charismas, are of great importance in the mission of evangelization conducted through the mass media.

Very Reverend Zdzisław Klafka, CSsR
Provincial Superior of the Warsaw Province of the Redemptorists

Warsaw, July 21, 2007


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