Statement of Prof. Bogusław Wolniewicz

Last Sunday, I participated in the TVN24 round table discussion during which I was defending not so much Fr. Rydzyk but rather the truth. In that „hound” – not the first one but one of many – and perhaps more dangerous then the previous ones – two issues amaze me the most: first of all that this is a „hound” inspired by mentality of lies. It has been said that Fr. Rydzyk’s words were shocking and scandalizing: „Fr. Rydzyk said that the president is a swindler and his wife is a witch.”

The words „swindler” and „witch” were mentioned again on Friday during the 11:00PM radio program being broadcast by the Third Channel of the Polish Radio even though prof. Nowak already on previous Tuesday had clarified that Fr. Rydzyk did not say in his statement that the president is a „swindler” nor did he mean that his wife Mrs. Kaczynska is a „witch”.

The same clarification was later published by „Nasz Dziennik” but unfortunately that statement was widely ignored. And, in my opinion, this is one of many proofs of that mentality of lies. The second thing which amazes me is that some members of the clergy and Catholic elite together with left wing post-communist party members and anti-clerical lobby participate in this „hound”.

They wrote an open letter to the church authorities stating: „Fr. Rydzyk revealed a disdain towards their own people; as Polish Catholics laymen and clergy we make our declaration against scandalizing proclamations, anti-Semitic and contemptuous statements…” – this again was said by the Catholic elite because clergy was always considered as part of the intellectual elite. All this was written only few days after the Radio Maryja gathering which brought together a multitude of people who came to this special event by their own will, paying with their own money, being well organized – they were there together for so many hours.

I do not believe in God and I have always stated that openly but this special gathering organized by Radio Maryja is taking me by my heart (and yet I am an unbeliever) but those Catholic elite is not taken by heart or moved by it. Moreover, they are not only not moved by it but they want to destroy this. Immediately after the meeting they insulted one of the organizers of that meeting. I can see that this is a kind of wild hostility towards Radio Maryja which I can not understand. I am not surprised that this kind of hostility comes from Mr. Aleksander Smolar who is one of the chief officers of the „Batory Fundation” which serves Mr. George Soros and his unclear intentions regarding Poland. I am amazed that the multitude of people gathered at the feet of „Jasna Gora” Shrine is defined by Aleksander Smolar „boorish Catholicism” but I am even more amazed that Jaroslaw Gowin (member of the Polish Senate) who declares himself as a Roman Catholic, repeats the same statements after Smolar and states that this crowd has to be „civilized”; this I do not understand.

Do they not see that phenomenon which is your radio? Your radio is a mean and organizing institution of a big social and religious movement in Poland – maybe the most vigorous movement in Poland and perhaps, in today’s situation, around the world. I would not be able to indicate a similar phenomenon. This is a modern Christianity which fights to renew the social awareness with is persecuted by today’s liberalism. This persecution is seen by many also by not Catholics.

This is the Ecclesia Militans Moderna. 130 years ago Leo XIII said that the Church needs novis vetera augere which means that we need to vitalize our inheritance with new content. Because without new content that inheritance is going to die and without old inheritance that new content can be easily deformed – what we can observe today in a bigger picture. And Radio Maryja is exactly trying to novis vetera augere. In a big synthesis, two issues are connected. This is not an easy procedure especially when you have to set right proportions namely to connect the actual political and social issues with an old tradition with its own devotion and religious aspect. And this is the message you broadcast in Radio Maryja. How it is possible not to appreciate these efforts? It is appreciated by ordinary people but ordinary does not mean here stupid. All this can not be seen by the intellectual elite.

Secondly, they do not see that besides being an influential institution Radio Maryja is the only independent radio station in Poland which means it is not being subjected to any political or financial control. This is what the people who wrote the letter want to destroy without offering anything instead. They know how to destroy what grew so nicely.

This latest „hound” which is going on now can create a very dangerous possibility. It has been rightly emphasized by prof. Anna Razny who stated that we can observe a kind of come back of a spying mentality in eliminating political obstacles. This is the same spying logic present during the communist era. The only difference is that these methods became more sophisticated. Spying has made a huge progress but it is the same dimension. Those people of Catholic and non-Catholic intellectual elites instead of fighting that spying mentality they directed their efforts towards the victim of this spying – and the victim is Fr. Rydzyk. As they said they want „civilize” those who support him.

Can’t they see that the same power which is today directed against Fr. Tadeusz Rydzyk tomorrow might be directed towards them? All this leads to a conclusion that the people will be afraid to express what they think because everywhere there is someone who listens. And what a student has done to his teacher (Fr. Rydzyk) can later be done to them. And the day after tomorrow it can happen everywhere. They are so sensible to the idea of the „freedom of speech” but at the same time their anger is blind and it is making them irrational. Why they make the voice of a spy a credible opinion but they do not analyze what has been happening in the 15 year history of Radio Maryja existence? How do they reach thousands and millions of people? Why this does not count? What counts is the voice of someone who is spying on others.

The whole issue regarding Radio Maryja is connected also with the person of the President of Poland. I can not advise Mr. President because I was not asked to do so but, as a Pole, I would like to present my humble request:

Mr. President! There are in our country and outside certain powers that, at any cost, want to destroy Radio Maryja. Those united forces want to use your person and provoke you to act according to their logic. As a member of your election committee I ask you not to listen to those voices of journalist spies. Under a mask they are not working for the good of our nation and the good of the Church. They showed us their true intentions many times in the past. They want to harm patriotism and in such a way they show their intentions. I am so sorry that I have to say these obvious things but at the same time it became clear that I need do to so. Mr. President, whatever you decide, please accept my words expressed in good will and in my trust in you and your government.

Boguslaw Wolniewicz, retiree.

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