The open Letter to Superior General of Redemptorists Father Joseph Tobin


Your Reverend Father General,

We were indignant to learn about the letter regarding Radio Maryja and Father Director Tadeusz Rydzyk directed to the Church Authorities, published in media, written by a group of persons calling themselves the „Catholics and laic intellectualists”. Many of the co-signatories of the letter are liberals, in reality indifferent to Church. Some of them even substantially harmed the Church in the most difficult times of the era of communism (vide: T.Mazowiecki at the time of the legal proceedings of Bishop Czesław Kaczmarek). In the past many of the co-signatories of the letter already proved to be the sworn enemies of Radio Maria, which had broken their media monopoly.

With great disgust we are reacting to this new bigoted campaign of hatred of Radio Maryja and its Father Director Tadeusz Rydzyk – the person so meritorious for the Catholic Church and Poland. We protest against the repeated trials to damage Radio Maryja, which is the most important enclave of freedom of speech in Polish media. Radio Maryja is coming out in the defence of the Church, Christian values and Polish patriotism more constantly than any other media and we consider the present attack to be truly dishonourable.

This radio does particularly a lot to support the fellows in an extremity, to come with assistance to seriously sick persons, infirms, those bowed down by pains of life. At the same time this is the radio which does lots of to evangelize Poles from all the environments, according to the teaching of the Apostolic Church. This is also the radio which throughout all the time of the deformed economical and political-social transformations after 1989 was decidedly coming out in the defence of all sufferers and humiliated and against „lying- elites” deceiving them. This radio is also the main bridge between the Poles in homeland and Polish emigrants, who had been treated with negligence by so many previous governments.

We are reacting with indignation to the attacks against Father Director Tadeusz Rydzyk which are based on deformations of the texts and their technical manipulations of his lectures in Social and Medial Culture University. This provoking campaign against the lecturer who presented his opinion of the situation during his didactic lessons is shocking. Those attacks violate the freedom of teaching and are fundamentally contradictory to the settlements of „the Law of University Education”.

We consider the attack against Father Director Tadeusz Rydzyk as the intense work in order to divide and to set the Christian-Patriotic Camp at variance, in order to prevent from the integration of the groups concentrated around this Radio with the political and social forces backing up the present government in its difficult reforming works, in their eagerness for liquidation of the pathologies harassing Poland and for building the just IV People’s Republic – which is so worth appreciation .

We are well aware that those who attack Radio Maryja, act in the name of those who protect the criminal treaty originating from III People’s Republic of Poland, the system which has all the reasons to be afraid of the success of the nation-wide clarifying activities. We believe, that all the truly Christian- Patriotic forces will concentrate on the defence of Radio Maryja, its Director Father Tadeusz Rydzyk and the freedom of speech – already so threatened in Poland today. We will be doing everything to ensure the victory of the activities in the defence of the Church and Polish provenance, as well as the efforts to built IV People’s Republic of Poland. Let the fight for realizing these aims notwithstanding all the media storms and campaigns proceed in accordance with the famous saying „Allelujah and ahead ”

Your Reverend Father General,

The majority of Polish population constitute the faith Catholics, deeply submitted to the Apostolic See and respecting Radio Maryja with Father Director Tadeusz Rydzyk as the head of it.

We assure you will remain in our pray,

Your obedient servants,

Signatures /…/


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